June 14, 2024

"Rock Tumbling"

Our best work comes when we get specific, timely feedback. But it’s hard to get that feedback from a group of busy, trusting people.

  • “I’ve got so much going on - I’ll read Pablo’s proposal later.”
  • "I don’t know much about that area - someone else will read LJ’s proposal.”
  • “It’s been a few days since she posted, probably Kate doesn’t need feedback anymore.”
  • “I’m reading and having a hard time following... But Brendan’s probably got this right, maybe it’s just me.”

You can solve this problem with a solution that balances:

  • Low barriers to entry - the time is already blocked, the ritual is already agreed on
  • A variety of opinions - it’d be simpler to get just one, but more valuable to get multiple
  • Zero prep - folks will individually read/watch/process proposals in the meeting

Here’s one such solution:

  • All PMs block every Friday from 9 - 10 AM Central
  • The day before, a Slackbot reminder prompts for a rock tumble topic
  • If no one comments by the time the meeting starts, there is no meeting
  • If there is a meeting, the first 10-30 minutes are spent reading/watching and giving async feedback. The remaining time is spent synchronously discussing, led by the person asking for feedback.

If the ritual is wildly successful, you'll build a strong team muscle for feedback that will turn your team into a Rock-tumble of Greatness 💪: